Day30 - Planning the Business Phase

05/21/20191 Min Read — In BusinessPhase

Today I have started to plan my business phase which will start on 1 June. The business phase, as the second phase of the apprenticeship, enables the apprentice to learn about different teams, their tasks, their working methods, as well as to get a better understanding of the products. I'm really excited for this phase since it gives me the possibility to discover different areas of the company, including non-IT departments. I think the business phase is a once-in-a-lifetime chance to learn so much different aspects of a company which would be impossible when you are not doing the apprenticeship!

In order to get first-hand impressions about the business phase, I talked to a few former apprentices on how they planned their business phase and which departments they joined. There are no plans or rules that restrict you on how many or which departments you join or for what time range. So it's totally up to the apprentices itself to plan their business phase as they'd like, depending on their interests! This is a chance you won't get twice in your working life, this is JUST AWESOME!

For my business phase, I planned to spend approximately half of the time (~ 4 weeks) in IT departments, and the other half in "non-IT" departments to also learn other views on products and processes.

For the "non-IT-part" of my business phase, I choose departments which mostly focus on the aspects of user-generated content, data quality, service and complaints. I am really curious about what to expect! For the "IT-part" of my business phase, I planned to join three dev-teams each with a totally different setting regarding the domain, team size, and project status.

I'm already so excited about the business phase! 😎
